
Design of a compact broadband circularly polarized RFID antenna

  • 摘要: 针对现有圆极化天线难以同时满足宽频带和小型化应用需求的问题,面向全球超高频射频识别(RFID)读写应用,采用新型功分移相馈电网络、旋转短路辐射贴片和耦合贴片、馈电探针和短路探针,设计了一种紧凑型宽频带圆极化射频识别天线。测试结果表明,该天线回波损耗大于15 dB的相对带宽为59%,轴比小于3 dB的相对带宽为34%,在全球超高频RFID频段范围内,天线辐射增益大于2.7 dBi,辐射方向十分对称和稳定,其半功率波束宽度大于101°,适用于宽角度范围读写;与现有圆极化天线的性能指标和结构相比,该天线的工作频段不仅能够覆盖全球超高频RFID频段,而且结构紧凑,有利于RFID系统的低成本设计和实施。


    Abstract: For problem that existing circularly polarized antenna is difficult to meet requirements of broadband and miniaturized application simultaneously, a compact broadband circularly polarized RFID antenna for global ultrahigh frequency(UHF) RFID read-write application was designed by use of a new type of power-dividing phase-shifting feed network, rotating short-circuit radiation patch and coupled patch as well as feed probe and grounding probe. The experimental results show that relative bandwidths of the antenna are 59% and 34% respectively when return loss is greater than 15 dB and axial ratio is less than 3 dB. Within the frequency band of global UHF RFID, antenna radiation gain is greater than 2.7 dB with symmetric and stable radiation direction, and half power beam width is greater than 101° which is suitable for wide angle reading and writing. By comparing performance and structure of the designed antenna with existing circularly polarized RFID antenna, it is found that the operating frequency band of the antenna not only covers global UHF RFID frequency, but also has compact structure which is in favor of design and implementation of RFID system with low cost.


