
An improved WSNs time synchronization algorithm adapted to vibration monitoring of mine equipment

  • 摘要: 结合矿山设备振动监测的实际情况,给出了矿山设备振动监测的无线传感器网络模型;针对TPSN时间同步算法能耗大、DMTS时间同步算法精度低的问题,提出一种改进的无线传感器网络时间同步算法——TPDM算法。该算法采用动态簇首选择算法选出簇首节点,簇首节点之间的同步采用TPSN算法以保证同步精度,簇内节点之间的同步采用DMTS算法以降低能耗,并采用基于最小平方线性回归方法的时钟漂移补偿技术对同步时钟进行时间补偿。仿真结果表明,与TPSN算法和DMTS算法相比,TPDM算法在能耗和精度方面得到了折中,能更好地满足矿山设备振动监测的要求。


    Abstract: A WSNs model of vibration monitoring of mine equipment was given combined with actual situation of vibration monitoring of mine equipment. In order to solve problems of large energy consumption of TPSN algorithm and low precision of DMTS algorithm, an improved WSNs time synchronization algorithm named TPDM algorithm was proposed. In TPDM algorithm, cluster head nodes are selected by use of dynamic selection algorithm of cluster head. TPSN algorithm is used for time synchronization among the cluster head nodes to improve synchronization precision and DMTS algorithm is used among nodes in a cluster to reduce energy consumption. Meanwhile, synchronous clock is compensated by use of clock skew compensation algorithm based on the minimum square linear regression. The simulation results show that TPDM algorithm gets a compromise between precision and energy consumption compared with TPSN algorithm and DMTS algorithm, which can meet with requirements of vibration monitoring of mine equipment preferably.


