
周震1,2, 翟成1,2

(1.中国矿业大学 安全工程学院, 江苏 徐州 221116;2.中国矿业大学 煤矿瓦斯治理国家工程研究中心, 江苏 徐州 221116)


关键词石门揭煤; 煤与瓦斯突出; 低温冻结; 煤体温度; 煤体力学性能

0 引言


1 试验方案

1.1 煤样制备

试验采用型煤代替原煤,将煤粉、水泥、石膏、黄沙按配比1∶2∶2∶1混合并加入适量的水搅拌均匀后倒入立方体模具,待浆液成型后进行脱模,制作5个100 mm×100 mm×100 mm的煤样。由于铜的导热性能良好,热传导速率快,所以使用U形铜管作为导热介质,使液氮从U形铜管一端注入,液氮通过U形铜管有效吸收煤样中的热量,汽化产生的氮气从U形铜管另一端排出。4个煤样预埋U形铜管,煤样通过U形铜管持续向液氮放出热量,从而使煤样逐渐被冻结;1个煤样不预埋U形铜管作为对比试验组。通过真空加压饱水装置、电热鼓风干燥箱和电子天平控制煤样含水率为7%~9%[14-16],以便对煤样进行冻结。

1.2 试验步骤

(1) 将4个预埋U形铜管煤样的U形铜管与液氮罐通过管阀相连,拧开液氮罐阀门对U形铜管注入液氮使煤样分别冻结15,30,45,60 min。在U形铜管垂直平分线上距煤样边缘1/4处插入热电偶,再将热电偶与温度传感器相连,通过温度传感器测量煤样内部温度。液氮温度为-196 ℃,与煤样的温度差远大于煤样与周围环境之间的温度差,因此热交换主要发生在液氮与煤样之间,且注液氮冻结前在煤壁贴上保温棉,煤样与周围环境的热交换可忽略不计。

(2) 用红外热成像仪测量未预埋U形铜管煤样及冻结后煤样的表面温度。

(3) 在煤样侧面沿横向、纵向贴上应变片,将应变片与应变仪相连,在MTS电液伺服万能试验机上进行单轴压缩试验(设轴向位移速率为0.1 mm/min),测量煤样单轴压缩过程产生的应力应变。


图1 试验过程
Fig.1 Experiment process

2 试验结果及分析

2.1 煤样温度变化


(a) 冻结15 min

(b) 冻结30 min

(c) 冻结45 min

(d) 冻结60 min

图2 不同冻结时间下煤样内部温度变化曲线
Fig.2 Internal temperature variation curves of coal samples under different freezing time

表1 不同冻结时间下煤样内部温度
Table 1 Internal temperature of coal samples under different freezing time


可看出冻结过程中煤样内部温度持续降低,即冻结时间越长,煤样内部温度降低量越大;冻结60 min时,煤样内部温度由25.33 ℃降低到-34.95 ℃,温度降低量达60.28 ℃,冻结效果较好。

不同冻结时间下煤样表面温度变化云图如图3所示。从图3可看出:① 原始煤样表面几何中心温度为23.45 ℃,冻结15,30,45,60 min后,表面几何中心温度依次为10.28,10.07,5.38,-7.30 ℃;原始煤样表面最低温度为22.02 ℃,冻结15,30,45,60 min后,表面最低温度依次为8.01,7.71,4.11,-10.10 ℃;原始煤样表面最高温度为24.16 ℃,冻结15,30,45,60 min后,表面最高温度依次为16.53, 14.31,16.86,8.42 ℃;原始煤样表面平均温度为23.36 ℃,冻结15,30,45,60 min后,表面平均温度依次为12.05,10.92,8.60,-1.67 ℃。这表明随着冻结时间的增加,煤样表面几何中心温度、表面最低温度、表面最高温度和表面平均温度均呈下降趋势。② 煤样表面最低温度位于U形铜管附近,煤样表面最高温度位于煤样边界。这是由于液氮与煤样内部的热交换以U形铜管为中心逐渐向四周扩散,U形铜管附近煤的热量最先被液氮吸收,处于煤样边界煤的热量最后被液氮吸收。

(a) 未冻结

(b) 冻结15 min

(c) 冻结30 min

(d) 冻结45 min

(e) 冻结60 min

图3 不同冻结时间下煤样表面温度变化云图
Fig.3 Surface temperature variation nephogram of coal samples under different freezing time

2.2 煤样力学性能变化

不同冻结时间下煤样应力-应变曲线如图4所示,煤体在整个单轴压缩过程中依次经历压密、弹性变形、屈服和破坏4个阶段[17-18]。从图4可看出,压密阶段随着冻结时间的增加而缩短,未进行冻结的煤样在压密阶段应变达1.655 4%,冻结15,30,45,60 min的煤样在压密阶段应变分别降到了0.932 8%, 0.388 0%,0.170 8%,0.271 6%,这是由于冻结作用使煤孔隙中的水凝固成冰,压密阶段应变减小;在弹性变形阶段和屈服阶段,煤样的最大应力随着冻结时间的增加而增大,这是由于煤样内部的水冻结成冰,冰对煤样内部基质颗粒的胶结作用和孔隙的充填作用明显,并且冻结时间越长,煤样冻结程度越高,提高了煤样的力学强度。

图4 不同冻结时间下煤样应力-应变曲线
Fig.4 Stress-strain curves of coal samples under different freezing time

不同冻结时间下煤样最大应力和弹性模量见表2,并采用多项式拟合方式绘制曲线,如图5所示。可看出随着冻结时间的增加,煤样的最大应力和弹性模量均呈增大趋势;冻结60 min后,最大应力由2.074 MPa增大到4.252 MPa,增幅为105%,弹性模量由0.403 GPa增大到0.621 GPa,增幅为54.1%。

表2 不同冻结时间下煤样最大应力和弹性模量
Table 2 Maximum stress and elastic modulus of coal samples under different freezing time


图5 不同冻结时间下煤样最大应力和弹性模量变化曲线
Fig.5 Variation curves of maximum stress and elastic modulus of coal samples under different freezing time

3 结论

(1) 随着冻结时间的增加,煤样内部及表面温度呈下降趋势;煤样表面最低温度位于U形铜管附近,煤样表面最高温度位于煤样边界。

(2) 煤体在整个单轴压缩过程中依次经历压密、弹性变形、屈服和破坏4个阶段。在压密阶段,随着冻结时间的增加,煤样应变逐渐减小,压密阶段缩短;在弹性变形阶段和屈服阶段,随着冻结时间的增加,煤样最大应力和弹性模量均呈增大趋势。


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Study on the change law of temperature and mechanical properties of coal body in uncovering coal seam in low temperature freezing cross-cut

ZHOU Zhen1,2, ZHAI Cheng1,2

(1.School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China;2.National Engineering Research Center for Coal Mine Gas Control, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)

AbstractIn order to study the change law of temperature and mechanical properties of coal body in uncovering coal seam in low-temperature freezing cross-cut, U-shaped copper tubes are pre-buried and frozen with liquid nitrogen during the preparation of coal samples. The characteristics of internal and surface temperature and stress-strain changes of coal samples under different freezing times are analyzed by temperature measurement, infrared thermal imaging and uniaxial compression. The test results show that with the increase of freezing time, the internal and surface temperatures of coal samples show a decreasing trend. The lowest surface temperature of coal samples is located near the U-shaped copper tube, and the highest surface temperature of coal samples is located at the boundary of coal samples. In the compaction stage, with the increase of freezing time, the strain of coal samples gradually decreases and the compaction stage shortens. In the elastic deformation stage and yield stage, with the increase of freezing time, the maximum stress and elastic modulus of coal samples both increase.

Key words:uncovering coal seam in cross-cut; coal and gas outburst; low temperature freezing; coal body temperature; coal body mechanical properties









ZHOU Zhen,ZHAI Cheng.Study on the change law of temperature and mechanical properties of coal body in uncovering coal seam in low temperature freezing cross-cut[J].Industry and Mine Automation,2021,47(2):70-74.