
董孝通, 边梦龙, 王二雨

(内蒙古科技大学 矿业与煤炭学院, 内蒙古 包头 014010)


关键词掘进巷道; 热环境; 巷道温度; 入风风速; 入风温度; 围岩温度; 风筒直径; 正交试验; 多元线性回归

0 引言


1 数值计算模型与因素选取

1.1 数值计算模型

掘进工作面风流流动条件较为复杂,影响因素较多,为了数值模拟求解的简便,将实际问题进行简化并做出以下假设:① 风流不可压缩,忽略流体黏性力做功,忽略水蒸气蒸发与瓦斯因素。② 将气体物理特性参数看作常数,流动为稳态紊流并满足Boussinesq假设。③ 围岩均质且各向同性,围岩温度与风流温度充分进行热交换。④ 巷道初始温度等于原岩温度。⑤ 气流在巷道内的流动满足质量守恒、能量守恒及动量守恒定律。










1.2 因素选取






2 三维模型

依据招金矿业股份有限公司夏甸金矿-700 m水平掘进巷道进行1∶1三维建模,如图1所示。巷道断面为三心拱,长92 m,宽3.5 m,直墙高2.45 m,拱高0.75 m,左侧压入式通风,风筒圆心距地面2.45 m,风筒出口距掘进工作面10 m。在距离掘进工作面10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80 m处布置8个监测断面A—H,如图2所示。

图1 掘进巷道三维模型
Fig.1 Three-dimensional model of tunneling roadway

图2 巷道监测断面分布
Fig.2 Roadway monitoring section distribution


3 模拟结果及分析

3.1 正交试验


表1 因素水平与因素取值
Table 1 Factor level and factor value


以A,D,G 3个断面的平均温度为试验指标,根据表1进行9次正交试验,试验方案及结果见表2。由表2可知,满足3个断面都小于28 ℃的只有方案1、方案6与方案8,这3个方案的共同点是围岩温度较低。


表2 正交试验方案及结果
Table 2 Orthogonal test scheme and results


表3 极差分析结果
Table 3 Range analysis results


3.2 控制变量法

3.2.1 入风风速对巷道温度的影响

设置入风温度为18 ℃,围岩温度为34 ℃,风筒直径为500 mm,入风风速分别为8,12,16,20,24 m/s,根据数值模拟结果进行拟合,拟合曲线如图3所示,拟合公式为



图3 不同入风风速下巷道温度
Fig.3 Roadway temperature under different
inlet wind speeds

由图3可知,巷道温度随着入风风速增大而降低,两者呈负幂函数关系;当入风风速从8 m/s增大至12 m/s时,巷道温度从28.528 ℃降至28.215 ℃,降低了0.313 ℃,当入风风速从20 m/s增大至24 m/s时,巷道温度从27.860 ℃降至27.741 ℃,仅降低了0.119 ℃,表明随着入风风速增大,巷道温度下降速率逐渐变小,降温效果越来越不明显。

3.2.2 入风温度对巷道温度的影响

设置入风风速为16 m/s,围岩温度为34 ℃,风筒直径为500 mm,入风温度分别为16,18,20,22,24 ℃,根据数值模拟结果进行拟合,拟合曲线如图4所示,拟合公式为

θ=21.270 75+0.374 4θa


图4 不同入风温度下巷道温度
Fig.4 Roadway temperature under different inlet
air temperatures


3.2.3 围岩温度对巷道温度的影响

设置入风风速为16 m/s,入风温度为18 ℃,风筒直径为500 mm,围岩温度分别为32,34,36,38,40 ℃,根据数值模拟结果进行拟合,拟合曲线如图5所示,拟合公式为

θ=6.738 81+0.625 63θb


图5 不同围岩温度下巷道温度
Fig.5 Roadway temperature under different surrounding
rock temperatures

由图5可知,巷道温度随着围岩温度升高而升高,两者呈线性正相关关系;图5曲线斜率(0.625 63)明显大于图4曲线斜率(0.374 4),表明围岩温度对巷道温度的影响程度更大,与正交试验结果一致。

3.2.4 风筒直径对巷道温度的影响

设置入风风速为16 m/s,入风温度为18 ℃,围岩温度为34 ℃,风筒直径分别为400,450,500,550,600 mm,根据数值模拟结果进行拟合,拟合曲线如图6所示,拟合公式为

θ=33.040 17-0.010 33d



图6 不同风筒直径下巷道温度
Fig.6 Roadway temperature under different air
ducts diameters


3.3 多元线性回归



式(9)拟合优度为0.993 1,拟合程度较好,表明掘进巷道温度与各因素之间的线性关系较为显著。


图7 方程计算结果与数值模拟结果对比
Fig.7 Comparison of equation calculation results and
numerical simulation results

4 结论

(1) 掘进巷道热环境影响因素重要性从大到小依次为围岩温度、风筒直径、入风温度、入风风速。入风风速、入风温度和风筒直径对掘进巷道热环境的影响程度保持稳定;距离掘进工作面越远,围岩温度对掘进巷道热环境的影响越显著。

(2) 掘进巷道温度与入风风速之间呈负幂函数关系,通过增大入风风速可降低掘进巷道温度,但随着入风风速增大,温度下降速率逐渐变小,降温效果越来越不明显;掘进巷道温度与入风温度和围岩温度之间呈线性正相关关系,与风筒直径之间呈线性负相关关系。

(3) 利用Origin进行多元线性回归分析,得到掘进巷道温度与入风风速、入风温度、围岩温度、风筒直径之间的多元线性回归方程,可为工程预测掘进巷道温度提供有效参考。


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Analysis on the importance of factors influencing the thermal environment of the excavation roadway

DONG Xiaotong, BIAN Menglong, WANG Eryu

(School of Mining and Coal, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China)

Abstract:At present, most studies only discuss the impact of a single factor on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway, and do not discuss the importance of multiple factors on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway. Fluent software is used to carry out three-dimensional modeling and numerical simulation of the extraction roadway, and orthogonal test and control variate method are used to analyze the influence degree of the inlet wind speed, inlet wind temperature, surrounding rock temperature and the diameter of the air duct on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway. The numerical simulation results show that the influence degrees on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway in descending order are the surrounding rock temperature, air duct diameter, inlet wind temperature and inlet wind speed. The influence degrees of inlet wind speed, inlet wind temperature and air duct diameter on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway remain stable. The farther away from the extraction working face, the more significant the influence of surrounding rock temperature on the thermal environment of the extraction roadway. There is a negative power function relationship between the extraction roadway temperature and the inlet wind speed. Increasing the inlet wind speed can reduce the extraction roadway temperature, but if the inlet wind speed is too high, the cooling effect becomes less and less obvious. There is a linear positive correlation between the extraction roadway temperature and the inlet wind temperature and the surrounding rock temperature, and there is a linear negative correlation between the extraction roadway temperature and the diameter of the air duct. Origin is used to fit the numerical simulation results, and obtain the multiple linear regression equation between the extraction roadway temperature and the inlet wind speed, inlet wind temperature, surrounding rock temperature and air duct diameter. The goodness of fit is high, and the results can provide effective reference for engineering prediction of extraction roadway temperature.

Key words:extraction roadway; thermal environment; roadway temperature; inlet wind speed; inlet wind temperature; surrounding rock temperature; air duct diameter; orthogonal test; multiple linear regression






收稿日期:2021-04-22;修回日期: 2021-10-17;责任编辑: 盛男。




DONG Xiaotong,BIAN Menglong,WANG Eryu.Analysis on the importance of factors influencing the thermal environment of the excavation roadway[J].Industry and Mine Automation,2021,47(10):91-96.