
赵建文, 陈佳丽

(西安科技大学 电气与控制工程学院, 陕西 西安 710054)


关键词矿井高压电网; 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统; 故障区段定位; 单相接地故障; 故障一模分量

0 引言




1 理论分析

1.1 模量选取

为了对矿井高压电网单相接地故障进行模量分析,引入相模变换。选择故障定位前无需选相的Clark变换。Clark相模变换矩阵H与Clark矩阵S的关系为H=S-1,已知则有[x0 x1 x2]T=H[xa xb xc]T,其中x0,x1,x2分别为相模变换后的零模量、一模量和二模量,xa,xb,xc为三相电气量。


表1 单相接地故障下电流一模量和二模量
Table 1 One-mode component and two-mode component
of current under single-phase grounding fault


1.2 故障一模分量特征分析



图1 矿井高压电网单相接地故障附加状态模型
Fig.1 Additional state model of single-phase grounding
fault of mine high-voltage power network


(1) 中性点的Clark变换。中性点各相对地电压相等,设为uN,则UN=[uN uN uN]T;设中性点三相对地电流为iNaiNb,iNc,则中性点对地电流IN=[iNa iNb iNc]T=[iNa 0 0]T。经Clark变换得到中性点对地电压的模分量及对地电流的模分量



(2) 边界点的Clark变换。设在f点发生a相接地故障,接地电流为If,则故障附加状态下的边界条件为ifa=If,ifb=ifc=0,即故障点三相电流IF=[ifa ifb ifc]T=[If 0 0]T。经过Clark变换得到故障电流的模分量







(a) 一模分量等效模型

(b) 一模分量简化模型

图2 矿井高压电网一模分量模型
Fig.2 One-mode component model of mine
high-voltage power network

由此得出故障附加状态下故障点上下游电流一模分量特征:① 故障点上下游电流一模分量幅值存在显著差异,为矿井高压电网故障区段定位提供了理论依据。② 中性点经消弧线圈接地系统在一模分量简化模型中相当于对地短路,避免了消弧线圈产生的电感电流对电流一模分量的影响。③ a,b,c任一相发生单相接地故障时都具有特征①,②,只存在模分量幅值差异,因此在进行故障定位前无需选相。

2 基于一模分量的故障区段定位方法

2.1 故障区段定位判据


(1) 假设故障发生在区段5—6,则电流一模分量沿路径1—2—4—5流入并与中性点形成电流回路。上游节点为1,2,4,5,下游节点为3,6,7。对于分支节点①,此时相邻节点2,4的电流一模分量大小相等,而节点2 的电流一模分量远大于节点3;对于分支节点②,相邻节点4,5的电流一模分量大小相等,节点4的电流一模分量远大于节点7。根据故障路径上电流一模分量大小相等且不为零确定故障路径为1—2—4—5—6。而在故障路径上,根据节点5的电流一模分量远大于节点6,确定故障区段为5—6。

图3 配电馈线多分支网络
Fig.3 Distribution feeder multi-branch network

(2) 假设故障发生在区段2—3或2—4,由于该区段包含分支节点①,节点3,4都属于负荷侧线路,即处于故障点下游,所以区段2—3,2—4两侧的电流一模分量幅值差值相等,且在任一路径中差值都是最大的。


2.2 故障区段定位流程


3 仿真验证

3.1 仿真及结果分析

通过Matlab/Simulink模块搭建10 kV矿井高压电网仿真模型,如图5所示。该网络为典型的单电源辐射式结构,1—8为各区段对应的分断开关,1和8对应的馈线开关所在线路为电缆线路,其余线路为架空线路[23]。线路参数见表2。将K点闭合即为中性点经消弧线圈接地系统。模型采用过补偿10%的运行方式。

图4 故障区段定位流程
Fig.4 Flow of fault section location

图5 矿井高压电网仿真模型
Fig.5 Simulation model of mine high-voltage
power network

表2 线路参数
Table 2 Line parameters


设区段3—4发生a相单相接地故障,故障接地电阻Rf=500 Ω,故障角α=60°。故障点上下游节点在故障附加状态下电流一模分量波形如图6所示。可见故障点上游节点的电流一模分量幅值明显大于下游节点,虽在故障瞬间故障点下游会产生较大的冲击电流,但其幅值仍小于故障点上游节点。

(a) 上游节点

(b) 下游节点

图6 故障附加状态下电流一模分量波形
Fig.6 One-mode component waveforms of current under
fault additional state

定义ΔIm,n为区段m-n(mn=1,2,…,8,且mn)两侧的电流一模分量幅值差值。在2个分支节点处,ΔI1,2I1,6,ΔI2,3I2,5,因此确定故障路径为1-2-3-4,故障区段定位向量M=[ΔI1,2 ΔI2,3 ΔI3,4]=[0 0 0.254],ΔI3,4最大,由此确定故障区段为3-4。

3.2 方法适应性及特征正确性分析

3.2.1 不同故障条件下方法适应性分析


表3 不同故障位置下故障区段定位结果(Rf=500 Ω,α=60°,过补偿10%)
Table 3 Fault section location results under different fault positions(Rf=500 Ω, α=60°, over compensation of 10%)

故障区段故障相分支向量 [ΔI1,2 ΔI1,6][ΔI2,3 ΔI2,5]故障路径故障区段定位向量[ΔI1,2 ΔI2,3 ΔI3,4]定位结果3-4a相[0 0.256] [0 0.254]b相 [0 0.671] [0 0.669]c相 [0 0.429] [0 0.428]1-2-3-4 [0 0 0.254]3-4 [0 0 0.669]3-4 [0 0 0.428]3-42-3/5a相 [0 0.256] [0.254 0.255]b相 [0 0.671] [0.669 0.670]c相 [0 0.429] [0.428 0.428]1-2-3-4 [0 0.254 0]2-3/5 [0 0.669 0]2-3/5 [0 0.428 0]2-3/51-2a相 [0.254 0.255] [0 0]b相 [0.670 0.672] [0 0]c相 [0.428 0.429] [0 0]1-2-3-4 [0.254 0 0]1-2 [0.670 0 0]1-2 [0.428 0 0]1-2

表4 不同故障初始角下故障区段定位结果(Rf=500 Ω,
Table 4 Fault section location results under different fault
initial angles(Rf=500 Ω, over compensation of 10%)

故障区段故障相α/(°)故障区段定位向量[ΔI1,2 ΔI2,3 ΔI3,4]定位结果3-4a相b相c相0[0 0 0.428]3-460[0 0 0.254]3-490[0 0 0.238]3-40[0 0 0.508]3-460[0 0 0.669]3-490[0 0 0.837]3-40[0 0 0.334]3-460[0 0 0.428]3-490[0 0 0.357]3-4

表5 不同接地电阻下故障区段定位结果(α=60°,
Table 5 Fault section location results under different
grounding resistances(α=60°, over compensation of 10%)

故障区段故障相Rf/Ω故障区段定位向量[ΔI1,2 ΔI2,3 ΔI3,4]定位结果3-4a相b相c相50[0 0 1.131]3-4500[0 0 0.254]3-410 000[0 0 0.016]3-450[0.001 0.002 3.306]3-4500[0 0 0.669]3-410 000[0 0 0.031]3-450[0 0 1.085]3-4500[0 0 0.428]3-410 000[0 0 0.024]3-4

3.2.2 系统运行方式对定位结果的影响分析


表6 不同运行方式下故障区段定位结果(Rf=500 Ω,α=60°)
Table 6 Fault section location results under different
operation modes(Rf=500 Ω, α=60°)

故障相补偿度故障区段定位向量[ΔI1,2 ΔI2,3 ΔI3,4]定位结果a相b相c相过补偿10%[0 0 0.254]3-4完全补偿[0 0 0.254]3-4欠补偿20%[0 0 0.254]3-4直接接地[0 0 0.252]3-4过补偿10%[0 0 0.669]3-4完全补偿[0 0 0.669]3-4欠补偿20%[0 0 0.672]3-4直接接地[0 0 0.659]3-4过补偿10%[0 0 0.428]3-4完全补偿[0 0 0.428]3-4欠补偿20%[0 0 0.429]3-4直接接地[0 0 0.422]3-4

4 实验验证

为了进一步验证本文方法,采用380 V矿井低压电网模拟实验平台(图7)进行实验,网络拓扑如图8所示。设置系统运行方式为过补偿10%,限于实验条件,故障初始角随机,故障发生在电流监测点5和6之间。

图7 380 V矿井低压电网模拟实验平台
Fig.7 Simulation experimental platform of 380 V
mine low-voltage power network

图8 故障区段定位实验网络拓扑
Fig.8 Network topology for fault section
location experiment

a相发生单相接地故障且接地电阻Rf=500 Ω时,故障点上下游监测点的电流一模分量波形如图9所示。可看出实验与仿真结果相同,故障点上游电流一模分量幅值明显大于故障点下游。实验结果见表7,可看出a,b,c任一相发生单相接地故障时都具有同一故障特征,即不同分支故障路径的分支向量最小,故障路径上故障区段的定位向量最大。

(a) 故障点上游

(b) 故障点下游

图9 区段5-6发生单相接地故障时上下游监测点
Fig.9 Current one-mode component waveforms of
upstream and downstream monitoring points in case
of single-phase grounding fault in section 5-6

表7 故障区段定位实验结果
Table 7 Experimental results of fault section location

故障区段故障相Rf/Ω分支向量[ΔI2,3 ΔI2,5]故障区段定位向量[ΔI1,2 ΔI5,6]定位结果5-6a相b相c相50[0.001 5 0.000 2][0 0.001 3]5-6500[0.000 7 0.000 3][0 0.001 2]5-61 000[0.001 2 0.000 1][0 0.001 0]5-650[0.002 7 0.000 1][0 0.002 8]5-6500[0.002 8 0][0 0.002 8]5-61 000[0.003 3 0.000 2][0 0.003 1]5-650[0.001 1 0.000 4][0 0.001 5]5-6500[0.000 9 0.000 3][0 0.001 3]5-61 000[0.000 7 0.000 2][0 0.001 0]5-6

5 结论

(1) 为保证矿井高压电网安全稳定运行,提出一种无需选相、基于故障一模分量的矿井高压电网故障区段定位方法。

(2) 该方法利用故障附加状态下故障点上下游电流一模分量幅值差异性实现故障区段定位,具有特征显著、不随时间衰减、不受消弧线圈补偿度及负荷电流影响的优势。

(3) 仿真和实验结果表明,该方法对于矿井高压电网任一相发生的单相接地故障均能实现准确的故障定位,不受故障初始角、故障接地电阻、故障位置和系统运行方式的影响,且算法简单,无需设置阈值,易于工程实现。


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One-mode component-based fault section location method for mine high-voltage power network

ZHAO Jianwen, CHEN Jiali

(College of Electrical and Control Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China)

AbstractAfter a single-phase grounding fault occurs in the mine high-voltage power network, it is important to identify the fault section quickly for the safe and stable operation of the mine power network. The existing research on fault section location in distribution networks rarely involves mine high-voltage power network, while the traditional steady-state method has a dead zone when it is used for neutral point grounding system via arc suppression coil. And the transient method needs to be used with phase selection device and has the disadvantage that the fault characteristic quantity decays with time. By analyzing the characteristics of the one-mode component of the current obtained by Clark transform under the single-phase grounding fault additional state of the mine high-voltage power network, it is concluded that the one-mode component of the current upstream of the fault point is significantly larger than that downstream of the fault point, and the one-mode component of the current is not affected by the fault phase and the arc suppression coil current. A location method of the fault section of the mine high-voltage power network based on the one-mode component without phase selection is proposed. The method uses Clark transform to obtain the current one-mode components of each monitoring point in the fault additional state of the mine high-voltage power network, and calculates the current one-mode component amplitude difference on both sides of each section. The fault path is determined according to the minimum current one-mode component amplitude difference at the fault path branch node, and then the fault section is determined according to the maximum current one-mode component amplitude difference on both sides of the fault section at the fault path. Simulation and experimental results show that the method can achieve accurate fault location when a single-phase grounding fault occurs in any phase of the mine high-voltage power network, and is not affected by the initial fault angle, fault grounding resistance, fault location and system running mode.

Key words:mine high voltage power network; neutral point via arc suppression coil grounding system; fault section location; single-phase grounding fault; fault one-mode component






收稿日期:2021-04-13;修回日期: 2021-10-13;责任编辑: 李明。



通信作者:陈佳丽(1997-), 女,陕西咸阳人,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力系统故障定位,E-mail:1530868826@qq.com。


ZHAO Jianwen, CHEN Jiali.One-mode component-based fault section location method for mine high-voltage power network[J].Industry and Mine Automation,2021,47(10):62-69.